Can Vitamin D Drops Make Baby Gassy

Can Vitamin D Drops Make Baby Gassy

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Vitamin D drops and gas

My son is 3 weeks old, ebf. He was doing the normal grunting and groaning trying to poop/fart. But now it's gotten to the point his gassiness is affecting his sleep (he can't sleep forr more than an hour at a time and I can hear his stomach bubbling) and seems to be a real struggle.  I'm trying to narrow down what might be causing this. It seems like it got worse when I started giving him vitamin d drops.  Has anyone else experienced this?

I have some gripe water but am nervous to give it to him right now, in case he has a bad reaction.  We live in the Houston area so it would be difficult to get to medical help if needed.  We're supposed to see the doctor for his 1 month check up this week but I don't know if that will happen with the storm.  I'm thinking I'm going to stop giving him the drops until we can see his pediatrician.


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Yep, my LO had awful gas when on vitamin d drops. We stopped and out ped was ok with that because it's summer and we go for frequent walks so he gets good sun. We also sit him in his chair by the window when we cook and that offers great sun for him. Once it gets less sunny here he'll be old enough and won't need that extra vitamin d. Just a thought!

I noticed it too when we used the Enfamil brand drops. I switched to a single drop dose kind and it has been better. He doesn't spit it up either. I give it on his paci, but you can give it on your breast too.

Skip it for a few days to see if that's the problem! It's not the biggest deal, plus it's summer! You can always switch brands. Target has two kinds, one in pharmacy area, and one in baby area! Not sure why they make it so confusing, but if you think that's it, go with the other one!

Which drops are you using? Try Carlson's D drops, only vitamin D and coconut oil, no nasty extras like Poly Vi D.


UGH I WISH EVERYONE KNEW THIS. We went through the AGONIZING pain of my little girl (now 15 months) but when she was only a few weeks old we were using the free samples of enfamil brand d drops and she would cry for hours. We switched to the baby d drops brand from amazon and never had a problem again.

I was SO MAD I had to figure out on my own what it was and we went a few weeks before realizing it was the enfamil drops.

STOP USING THE ENFAMIL BRAND!!!! God bless your hearts......... it is so sad to see them so uncomfortable and I am saddened the pedi office gave them as free samples because they are evil drops!!!!!!!!


Thank you for posting this!!  My dr gave me drops.  I haven't used them yet and I'm glad I didn't!!

My pediatrician prescribed Silarx Aqueous Vitamin D drops.  I skipped them yesterday and it took a while to work the gas out but he finally fell asleep.  My poor baby must have been exhausted from the last few days because he slept for almost 6 hours straight.  When he finally woke up it was because he was hungry,  not from being gassy!  He's still a little gassy but doesn't seem to be struggling. When we see the pediatrician next, I'm going to ask for other options. I'm not giving him those drops again.  The last few days have been exhausting for both of us.


The Carlson drops are OTC:)

Reiterating what others have said - Enfamil drops are awful. Also recommend the single drop vitamins - what babies need without the additives.

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Can Vitamin D Drops Make Baby Gassy



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